Stop in for a cup of coffee

What do you mean?
From what I’ve been told by the unit, I’m in “sanctuary” meaning the only way I can get discharged now is retirement or medical retirement. Unless I commit a felony.

I ask because I’m about to go way out on a limb here and kind of jump up a few level of the Chain of Command to try to solve a major issue on behalf of my soldiers that unit seems unable to solve.

My entire section, none of us have been paid for drills or AT since June. While not affecting my much(all my drill pay goes 100 percent into TSP), I have soldiers with severe financial hardships right now due to missing work for AT and or drills and not getting paid. Unit claims it’s DFAS fault, I called a friend who’s worked in DFAS the last 15 years, the unit hasn’t submitted pay since June.

So I’m about to pull a thread by calling the state CSM. A guy I’ve known longer than even being in the Guard. He was my e6 when I first joined and worked with my dad. He’s also been my boss on the civilian side and at one point a neighbor. I’ve never used that connection ever . I’m about too here but curious how much **** that’s gonna stir lol