Car insurance on Hemi swapped cars

I had Hagerty for years but after the Hagerty family sold the business to another insurance company my rates started going up. No claims, no changes to the policy or anything. My rates ended up 50% higher. Someone said in another forum that they had classic car insurance with State Farm and since all my other vehicles are insured with State Farm I checked with them. Sure enough, they insure classic cars. I got basically the same policy with the same stipulations as Hagerty for almost 1/2 what I was paying Hagerty. The only real difference between the two policies was the lower price and I have a $500 deductable on collision and comprehensive that I didn't have with Hagerty. Looking at all the money I've spent on my car, a $500 deductable is a drop in the bucket! I'll easily make that up on savings in two years. Also, I've never experienced any problems with State Farm on claims in the past.
Until they drop your home owners insurance, like they just did in Cali. And this… State Farm accused of funneling excess profits to parent as it seeks rate hike