Butters "Winter Upgrades". . Starting a Little Early

Had a little time to mess with the classic air kit, earlier. I put the AC controls together, bench tested and calibrated the system. There's a little bit of Fuckery with setting up the controls.. To the point that I broke out the wild turkey. I ended up modifying to black plate that control the mode.. Finally got it dialed in tho. The heat/cool cable was nowhere close to where it needed to be, for full operation side to side. Had to shorten that cable a bit.. I think I've seen others have to do the same.

Also kinda mocked up the evap unit to get some kind of pattern started for a firewall adapter. The unit it pretty light, so I got it positioned kinda where I wanted it with a small juckstand and was able to just barely get a clamp at the firewall bracket. Ran some tape, marked all holes, marked centers and a reference line to pull measurements to the fittings. Then I just peeled it and stuck it to some 16ga and started drilling. I now have a preliminary pattern.. I can mount up and note any changes that need made. I'll bolt up up tomorrow and have a look...

BTW.. This thing moves wayyy more air than my stock unit ever dreamed







