340 Exhaust Manifolds on Edelbrock Heads

Back in 2000 when I put together a 340 with Edelbrocks & manifolds I uses spacers, then the next year I was at Spring Fling & wound up speaking with Steve Duilich and he mentioned he had ground the raised area down and wound up hitting the water jacket.... I would suggest using spacers, or at least be damn careful about how much you remove...
This ! ^^^^^^^ !
After being 2nd or 3rd attempt dealing with exhaust leak at manifold and resurfacing same my installer was over aggressive and got into jacket near # 7. Owner of shop had another set of comparable heads and did fresh valve job at his expense. I did spring for new SS valves and lost a few months.
We did go with 1/4" spacers as in post #2 which was dramatically simple and clearance was no longer an issue on 64 Dart. Ugh