Dust off your crystal ball and GUESS the horsepower !

The 5.2 and 5.9s are still commonly found in junkyards out here. Durangos, trucks and vans are still coming in with them.
The roller cam would alleviate the likelihood of those cam and lifter failures.
I'd have to get one of those Crosswinds 4 barrel intakes. I'd need to do something about the fuel pump eccentric too. The Magnums sure seemed better at stopping oil leaks!
a 5.9 with a reground cam and the hong kong phooey intake is a hard combo to beat.

only problem is that you're almost gar-un-teed to need cam bearings and heads.

but if you put together the basics from the start you can have something that's perfectly serviceable and quite mellow with tons of potential to grow down the line.