Replaced fuel line and added electric fuel pump, now won't start.
That is a puzzle. The jumper should be in the yellowish wires. Someone must have bypassed it elsewhere. In other words it should not crank.
Here's how things work. You have IGN1 off the ignition switch, is the only "run" line from the key which goes into the engine bay. That powers the ignition system, the alternator field, the VR, and depending on year, other underhood loads. Electric choke if used, AC idle solenoid, etc.
THAT POWER GOES DEAD during cranking.
The ONLY power which fires the ignition system during cranking is the IGN2 normally brown, which comes off a separate contact on the ignition switch, and like start, is hot only in the start position. That wire goes only one place ---to the coil + side of the ballast resistor
A THOUGHT: Maybe someone had problems with the yellow "start" wire circuit (where the jumper is) and rewired the bypass / IGN2 circuit to fire the start relay. That wire must not be used for that as it will backfeed.
NOTE!! The diagram is not quite correct. They show the 12y and the 12BR coming off the same switch contact. This is not so. They are separate and isolated electrically
Notice that the switch connector shows them to separate terminals