72 Dart sunoco style hood

okay, that's what i thought. but not as drastic as that.

it was a long, long time ago and the guy was calling it a sunoco cowl hood. and i didn't know if that was a localized term or not. his accent and speech pattern also made it difficult to understand just what in the world he was talking about because he and his friend were like in stereo jabbering about a "sun-co bubble" and a "sun-co hood" and "sun-co cowl"

all i could tell is that it was a cowl induction hood that had a smaller, less angular look to it.
I guess a company called sunoco used to make them.So that's what people know them as.
So that's what people know them as.Why? When So Many Great looking Authentic Mopar Styles are available?
It's going on a twin turbo blow through car. I don't want a front facing opening on a 170-180MPH car. My nitrous car has a 6pack scoop on it.