Street takeovers...

Years ago, back in rural Missouri I had a "guy" walk up the lane to our country home, late one summer afternoon, screaming and yelling. I could see this guy was totally nuts or on really bad dope. Long story short. I go to the house and lock the door. He is slamming into the door, screaming " this is MY house, and i'm coming in". I told him bust the door open and die. Wife was 10 feet over in the office on the phone with sheriff's office dispatcher. When he came around and busted out the window (curtains drawn shut) was when the 12 ga went off. Dispatcher screams "shots fired".
Long story short, the law arrives and hauls his *** off, and I got bitched out by the sheriff and the country prosecutor because I did not kill and I quote "kill the SOB." The doper paid for my damages after he spent a couple of weeks in jail, and the sheriff reminded him just how close he came to dying.

Our place fronted on a co. blacktop but also the Interstate and it was not unusual for someone to run out of gas or have car trouble, (before the cell) and walk to our house or barn.

My wife was bad jumpy for a couple of years after all this.
you did the right thing , proud of you !!!