Street takeovers...
Street takeovers are getting more and more common here in southern AZ. It pisses me off to no end. They mob on intersections with 50+ cars and hundreds of youngsters live streaming on social media.
Just yesterday, my buddy was over at the shop and he told me of a takeover that happened two blocks from his house. He heard a burnout and he thought, "Right on!" But then he heard the rest of the chaos ensue. He didn't know what it was, so he got dressed, grabbed his gun, and went outside to see what was happening.
They started racing up and down his street, and with his wife and two young kids inside, he wasn't about to let that continue. Luckily for all parties involved, 2 community service officers broke it up. TPD is so short staffed, they had to send 2 unarmed CSOs to break up a mob of more than a hundred.