Low charge to no charge issue pulling hair out
@Mattax thank you for all this info it really helps me put this together. Based on your large reply i do believe something is up with battery alone. The charger say 100 percent at it finishes at 12.2 then drops, under multiple circumstances i cant get the battery to stay in 12’s at any point. So very well the battery may have cell damage from lack of use by previous owner etc.
I will be deep diving into all this first thing tomorrow. I used wire brush and some 120 grit to sand away the green corrosion on the red male terminal and it had full continuity so the cleaning helped that terminal as 3/4 of terminal was reporting back current but the bottom quarter of terminal wasnt giving feedback until i sanded away brushed away the connection clean. Oddly enough it didnt change any details or make them better below i added the details of my assignment from you to see where im at and where to look next before i tear apart the entire fuse block. Let me know where i need to focus on finding the loss now. Static is just the way the car sits with everything connected the other is the light drop test info you walked me through with each of the Tested point values.