Suggestions for new design Aluminum Mopar SB clean slate (kind of) cylinder heads

You forget that after this "perfect" cylinder head is brought to market most of the people who made those suggestions will follow up with "it's too expensive" and never buy it. What good is an offset rocker cylinder head if it costs 50% more than everything else on the market and they sell 10 sets over 5 years? Great business model there.

If BP can "buy" each cylinder head for less than the current cylinder head they use on the Magnum based crate motors, and can use a less expensive (but still quality) valve train, they can offer their motors for less money. That's a win for the Mopar crowd in my book.

Is the TF head an offset rocker head? Do SB Chevy heads run offset rockers? LS?
That will be their one saving grace is the price point. If they can compete, they might have something. Any aftermarket head is too expensive for me. Especially since no one makes anything for the slant 6. Why are you arguing offset rockers? Where'd that come from? You know the Trick Flows aren't offset. An offset rocker head like the W2 would be fantastic, but the big drawback there is spending what the heads cost on the valve train. The thing is, 99% of people will never use what those heads are capable of, so there's no point in all that cash outlay. Really, what we're getting with the Blueprint heads is basically "the same thing" BUT IMO that's not a bad thing, because it's more competition and that usually lowers prices. If Blueprint is having small block heads cast....whoever is casting them, maybe they will start doing some blocks, too. They already cast their own Chevy and Ford blocks.