Suggestions for new design Aluminum Mopar SB clean slate (kind of) cylinder heads

Where does the oil go under acceleration?

How long is the pick up tube?

What diameter is the pick up tube?

What baffles can be used to control oil in the pan with a front mounted pump and a center or front sump pan?

They put the pump up front because it’s cheaper to do.

The oil goes to the rear on acceleration. Now you have to baffle the pan to stop oil from climbing out of the sump and onto the rear of the pan where the oil gets its *** whipped into a bubbly mess by the crank, rather than being able to baffle the pan to keep oil around the pick up.

If you have a front mounted pump and a center sump pan the pick up is far longer than it would be and should be if the pump was in the rear.

The longer the tube the bigger the diameter the tube needs to be. At some point you just can’t get the tube diameter any bigger and the suction side of the pump suffers, and the suction side is where time should be spent on an oiling system. Not on a bunch of “I do this work on the pressure side of the pump because it makes me feel better” stuff.

Also when the pump is in an aluminum cover the expansion rate of aluminum is greater than cast iron so the pump becomes less efficient as the engine gets hotter.

It’s not magic or trick to put the pump
up front. For daily driven street stuff it doesn’t matter.

When you want to make power stuff like that matters.
It's like I said. All you have to do is look at the diagram of the piss poor Gen3 oiling system. The oil has to flow a dang LONG way before it gets to the crankshaft. Gotta be hell on parts during cold starts. Plus, the pickup it TINY. It must work though, because there are lots of them runnin around with stupid high mileage. I think that's a testament to the oil though and "not so much" the oiling system. But what the heck do I know?