WTF Front Brakes?!?

i agree with @1WildRT & @72bluNblu, can this be done? yes. is it inherently dangerous? no, not really.

the issue lies in whether the work was done correctly and how long ago. and that's not a "does this pass the eyeball test" kinda deal either. that's remove the arm, strip it and mag check it.

let's say you hit a good pot hole and that thing gets ginked up. best case you probably lose a tire and tear up your fender up real good and rash up both rims as you're all elbows at the wheel to eventually stop against the curb. worst case? that bad boy lets go and you careen wildly into the next lane and take out a bus full of nuns and orphans in a fiery accident that leads off the local 6 o'clock news.

again, my issue isn't with the work but about the provenance of the work.