What is going on with Cudachick1968 (Leanna)

I didn't know leanna well, but we spoke a few times, and lots of pms. As Rob and Dana both said, she was ALWAYS willing to give pointers on anything.
Always fundraised for anyone, no matter the reason.
Just a cool genuine kindhearted cat loving person, that made awesome creative powder corn.
This is much more than a loss for us on fabo. Outside our world here will be missing an angel.
Strength and positive thoughts for all.

I agree Steve, this one hurts, she was just an awesome person. I can still hear her voice when we talked last, she always made me smile and laugh. I’ll miss her posts on FB and here, her cat pictures, and especially her “powder ****” updates….she was the best, and a great friend to many, she will be missed dearly.