News & Politics

If you weren't around here prior to the N&P forum coming about...

You could have a thread about how to set initial timing that would devolve into some political mess because people just can't stay on point. Threads head to the trash from that nonsense, moderators have to clean up, posters getting pissed off about "deleted" responses. It was a no win for the staff. This place was OK with offshoot commentary when I joined 20ish years ago. It became ridiculous as time progressed before the inception of the N&P forum.

JMO, it's more about your sandbox is over there. Don't drag your **** from over there at the porta-potties into the regular automotive discussion areas. :) When you go to an amusement park, if a ride makes you barf, like that spinning centrifugal drum that plasters you to the wall, do you ride it? Nah, Just stay away and go to another ride.
You get it. Yep, don't like you see or read, just scroll on by.