Pertronic Ignitor in a Prestolite Dual Point?

Is the 1385LS the same as this unit on Summit, #91385LS?
I'm having issues getting a Pertronix unit to fit my original dual point, IBS-4013. I bought the 1381A ignitor and it doesn't fit. I pulled the top advance plate off and still no luck, but it looks like the 1385LS requires that to be removed from the distributor anyway. Pertronix website says the #91385LS won't fit my 65, but lists this part now as a part that will work. #1385LSP6.
I saw another post with the #91385LS in a dual point 65, so not sure the Pertronix website is correct when they say it only works in 67 and above years. Summit says the #91385LS does fit the car. Confusing!