Suggestions for new design Aluminum Mopar SB clean slate (kind of) cylinder heads

No worries my man! OK, I’ll leave you with;

One day a good friend of mine, a die hard Chevy guy says to me he wants to upgrade his stroker small block tunnel ram Pro Street Chevelle. Truly a no joke car capable of low 10’s. He says to me he is considering upgrading the valve train to a rocker arm in a bar set up.

So I ask him why he did t start with a MoPar to begin with because that set up comes stock from the factory.

He did t talk to me for 3 days.

A thicker hardened bar with a properly designed rocker arm that has good geometry will step all over a wobbly set up like Chevy has. Of course their is nothing wrong with making use of an inferior system

TTYL Johnny Mac. Have a good one buddy.

I can understand where you opinion derrives from. No problem with that. Part of the reason we shifted away from shaft rockers was the ones available on the aftermarket had constant issues with harness of the shafts, and/or geometry. So just another side to the coin. Some pretty tough engines out there with studs or pedestal mount rockers. No worries! Thanks for the view point.