Suggestions for new design Aluminum Mopar SB clean slate (kind of) cylinder heads
No tough guy here. But you seem to want to overcome your crying about your poverty status by making the weak *** post.
I’m not complaining, YOU ARE.
Obviously, you and 273 are commingling in a pool of Green jello together smoking what you think I am.
I am literally laughing my *** off at how triggered you got about me agreeing with the use of stud mounted rockers for this new head design.
If you actually read anything from the get go... ahh, maybe you don't read so fast, I'll type slower.... This head was designed with a budget in mind. I'll say it again and t y p e r e a l l y s l o w, if you need, I can include a bouncing ball so you can sing along.
This head was designed to provide an increased measure of performance, while allowing for some lower cost options regarding the rockers. If that was still too fast for you, just say so and I'll go over it again.
No worries my man! OK, I’ll leave you with;
One day a good friend of mine, a die hard Chevy guy says to me he wants to upgrade his stroker small block tunnel ram Pro Street Chevelle. Truly a no joke car capable of low 10’s. He says to me he is considering upgrading the valve train to a rocker arm in a bar set up.
So I ask him why he did t start with a MoPar to begin with because that set up comes stock from the factory.
He did t talk to me for 3 days.
I am shocked someone would not give you the time of day... Actually I'm not, go figure.
A thicker hardened bar with a properly designed rocker arm that has good geometry will step all over a wobbly set up like Chevy has. Of course their is nothing wrong with making use of an inferior system dispite the amount of HP it’s on top of and with a little addition of a girdle, it does get better, but is still inferior to the way Chrysler did it. Buick did it, etc…
BPE will do what BPE does and what ever you do is what ever will be cost effective with the most financial return. Sorry, I see corporate getting into counting beans, not what is actually better, stringer and last longer. I see what ever makes BPE the most money being brought to production.
Idiots, like above, like cost savings not actual performance and what is actually better on all fronts. These morons are,,, well, idiot morons. Even better that you read again what he wrote to me as if I complained! LMAO!!!
TTYL Johnny Mac. Have a good one buddy.
Wow, this just speaks volumes.... LOL. I make a comment about agreeing the rocker choice was a good one to get people into MoPars in a more budget friendly way and you extrapolate things that don't exist. Speaking of that, you might take some time our of your keyboard warrior time and go re-read my original response to you. Read it several times and you just might notice that it was a direct and not so subtle example of coming up with things that don't exist. I won't hold my breath, reading comprehension seems to be lost on you.
The biggest reason I am literally laughing as I type this though is your willingness to immediately get on your knees and roll over for the person/company responsible for producing these shaft-less (maybe there is where things hit too close to home for you?) heads, right after showing your inner *** hat by jumping all over someone for agreeing with him.
Now, to re-cap, and I'm still typing slow....
Nowhere did I say a stud mounted rocker was superior, or even equivalent to a shaft mount. There is a reason stud mounted systems use girdles (maybe you do too...?) and companies like Jesel sell rocker systems to overcome the limitations after all.
What I did, was agree with a design element and business decision that just might bring the younger crowd in to keep things alive for another 50 years instead of giving way completely to the tuner bolt on bull **** that most of us legitemately loathe. But no, you stay strong in the ways of "weak ***" post policing, though I still think it just went way over your head.
At the end of the day, I'm sure you have something other than stupid responses to posts that had nothing to do with you to attend to, but at this point it doesn't really matter to me. I'm sorry if your mommy or daddy slapped you around with a sack of chevy rockers as a child, but go take it out on someone else. I don't have any more time for your bullshit.
Have a blessed day....