Stock Market

I am contemplating maxing out my IRA contribution this year, which is 6500.
Angel on one shoulder sez: Maybe you should just keep it in the bank (liquid).
Devil on the other shoulder sez: Go for it, with Trump coming into office that 6500 will grow to maybe double by the time he's out.
Maybe even consider more high-risk stocks, then go back to current med/high risk.
Then the Angel counters with: Yea, but now it's taxable, just leave it liquid. No better comfort than moolah in the bank.

Angel or Devil???? :BangHead:

Hahaha, - I know those guys .

This thread was to get you looking at you investments, but please understand I'm not a financial advisor .

If you are comfortable with your retirement funds to date, standard advice would have you 40% bonds 60% stocks, mutuals funds etc.
There are Electronically Traded Funds (ETFs) like the QQQs or SP500 that follow certain "sectors" of the mkt.
They have done very well .
I am not the best source of info in those areas.

If it were me, I would prob buy Sector leaders, best of breed, - a few AAPL as core, cuz of it's entire world of everything. AI is forcing renewals, it's never first, but when it comes out, whatever, it's best.
AMZN another sector leader, with them bringing out phone-a-doctor, prescription, pharma delivery, all on Prime, video, list goes on.
NFLX, video everything, sector leader.
WMT Walmart,
NVDA chips are in huge demand, I expect them to keep climbing at a lesser rate, but still outstanding.
Lotta those give a dividend to boot,
I woulda put Boeing and Tesla there . . But you gotta be able to admit mistakes, and move on.

Then for likely gainers, but will have pullbacks, thus a need for "stop-loss". I go for what's up and coming, I'm targeting AI, robotics and their controllers, and nuclear energy towards the suitcase reactors to power vehicles.

My best results last few years is from listening to CNBC Half-time report, folks there, particularly dude Josh Brown, couple ladies Jennifer and Brin, all give great advice, the ladies look for returns. Josh, home runs.
Record it, then blast thru the BS till the baldish chubby guy, or the ladies come on, they're worth listening to
.Questions welcome

Good trading !