VR-200’s…… AGAIN…….

Absolutely wrong take.
1. The street car Barracuda mentioned is just that. I believe Rod actually loaned the guy the motor to stick in the car just to see what it might run, what he didn’t mention was there were teething issues the weekend the car actually went to the track to make those passes. Afterwards the motor was taken back out. It’s was definitely not a proven car or driver.
2. The blue 71 dart was a new build this year, first time out ever was with this new motor that was a father/ son/ grandson project.
First time ever competing in drag week as well. car has competed in just a few times this year in its life. It also has a power eating turbo 400 in it.
3. The AMX has the biggest chance of fitting your notion. Not sure on how much that car has been raced, how long he has had it, etc.
Ya pretty much my thoughts. The only car that is a sorted out combo is the AMX. It runs 9.20’s which I have yet to see a TrickFlow head run that fast.

There is plenty of TrickFlow headed strokers out there running mid 10’s. Not one have I seen run 9’s like the Bloomers have.

One member sent his trickflows to get hand ported and he didn’t gain much and didn’t run in the 9’s.