Choke thermostat problem

Bending the rod is a bad idea, don't do that. It is the correct length and shape as it comes from the factory.

There is an adjustment on the other side of the housing, and the correct adjustment is specified in the service manual.

The choke thermostat only pushes the rod (to close the choke flap); it does not pull the rod (to open the flap), beyond the pull exerted by gravity when the thermostat's spring tension reduces as it warms up. The choke flap is pulled open by the choke pull-off (vacuum pod near the top of the carburetor, with a short, U-shaped link to the choke lever).

If you are using the wrong gasket between the carburetor and the intake manifold (too thin, 3mm instead of 8.5mm) the choke thermostat pushrod will effectively be too long.

(A № 1231 electric choke kit is a better setup than the factory-type thermostat)