Creak/Pop In the Front End of My Swinger

  • What's a good rattle-can option for priming and painting suspension parts (LCA, UCA)?
  • Do people use Loctite red or blue when assembling all this stuff? Or is it fine to just torque everything to FSM spec?
Thanks in advance.
VHT rollbar & chassis black lays down super nice and dries fast. same with duplicolor engine enamel. i've tried the "raptor" chassis paint, and it's good: meets all the criteria: self priming, heat/uv, abrasion, tough, etc, etc. but it sprays *** and the coverage sucks per can.

the only loctite i use is a dab of red on the caliper bracket bolts, pitman and idler. everything else it torque to factory spec and don't forget the split pins!!