1970 Dart 340 Swinger trans swap American Powertrain or Silver Sport Transmission?

If yur down on torque, it's
Probably cheaper to just stroke that 340? or at least bring the pressure up?
I hear the 3.58 stroke is a good all-round cure, at 185psi, or more.lol (that's what I have.)
but seriously;
I have been running the Commando-box with 3.55s, for many years cuz this combo has;
> a dynomite Second gear of 1.92 x 3.55= 6.82, which gets me to 65=5500,
>and it has a nice 3.09x3.55=10.97 starter. I could, and have, run less gear, but then, I cannot parade, cuz the engine with the current cam, wont idle slow enough in gear. As it sits, 4mph@550 is about as slow as she goes.
>To get the Rs down at hiway speed, I run a GVod (.78) for 65=2240. I run a 230/237/110 cam on that, which seems to be OK. but maybe just barely.
At one time, I ran the Mopar A833od with the GV behind it, This too made 5-gears, but using the GVod as a splitter, I got up to 7 speeds. two of which were overdrives. With this set-up, Double od was .54, so, I could run any rear gear I wanted to. and I tried a lot of 'em.
In the end, I found the total gear spread was just too much.
If too much more than 3.55s was installed, then First was too deep.
Yet, that Double overdrive was good for 87mph @2200 with the same 3.55s, while .78od was good for 64mph. So for me, I did not need the Second overdrive.
Furthermore, the gearing from 35 to 60 did not suit my cam, in Second gear.
Furthermore, I discovered that tight gear-splits of 78 or so percent, was a lil tight on the street. I found 72% more than adequate; which is what the factory 2.66 box had.
But the starter of just 2.66x3.55= 9.44 was a lil lazy in First Gear, but worse was that there was no way to parade in 9.44; which was 4.67mph@550rpm.
That led to some math, to get down to 3.5mph or so, and the Commando/3.55s was it. Then I tacked the GVod on the end for a nice 65mph cruise, and that was that; 5 gears was enough for me. and that was like 20 years ago . I've never been unhappy with these trans gear-ratios, 3.09-1.92-1.40-1.00-.78od,
with splits of .62-.73-.71-.78, and with 3.55s
roadgears 10.97- 6.82-4.97-3.55-2.77

To spice it up, I usually shift into od after Third, and into 4od last, the splits are thus
.62-.73-.78-.71od, which is, IMO, very very nice.

But, I gotta tell ya, if I didn't already have the GVod, I wouldda just run 3.23s and dropped one cam size. for roadgears of
9.98-6.20-4.52-3.23. The cam I have in mind idles just fine at 500, so that will get me exactly 4 mph in first gear; and 65=2600 in Fourth, which was an excellent compromise. The bonus with that 7gear combo, with the 223/110 cam, was excellent hiway fuel economy.