Clutch question, Diaphragm versus Borg and beck, who has swapped to a diaphragm and do you like it

I love my CF-diaphragm.
I hated the CF-II disc, but it could sure take a beating, I swapped it out for a factory 340 organic disc. and I reduced the clamping by shimming the PP away from the flywheel, all is good now. except
If I abuse that 340 disc, I gotta replace it before the start of each new season.
Is the CF-II disc the dual friction? They have a clutch package with an organic disc, Centerforce ® II, Performance Clutch Kit, 560 ft/lbs Capacity, 10.4in Dia., 23-Spline, Fits Dodge/Plymouth Cars 8 Cyl

Cliff Ramsdell