Probably a Dumb 318 Question

And the 318 all time hater has arrived.

While making sense on starting with a bigger engine.
But some of us low life’s have t enough money or resources to go out and do what he suggests. Then there is the challange. He will **** on it as well.

The cubic dollar is only in piston pricing. Everything else is the same.
It’ll take more rpm to achieve the same power.
It doesn’t need to be super charged or the odd to make the power.

He is a lier. Caught again.
Hyup, go ahead pump 460 into a 727, versus 330 into a 904.
Drive a 4000 stall versus a 3000.
install 4.88s versus 3.55s, then
Drive a tankful of hi test out versus a tankful of 87E10, and see the difference.
There is no comparison.

@Joey N
but as usual King-Rumble rolls out the hate speech.
I have a 367-4-speed powered 68 Barracuda, streeter, that, by it's trapspeed of 93 in the Eighth, is said to be putting out 433 hp. This was, at one time , my DD. It can willingly idle at 550 rpm, and pull itself in a parade, with a 10.97 starter gear (Commando 4 speed/3.55s), all day if I wanted it to. In overdrive it cruises at 65=2240 rpm.
a cam, one size smaller, and geared for 65=1600, with no other changes, except an economy-tuned carb, it made 32 mpg US.
and, with that smaller cam, it still squeeked into the 12s @106 mph, in the quarter, on 245/60-14 street tires, still with those 3.55s, but with a 750 carb.

I have told this story many times here, and the numbers have always been the same, because it happened. IDK what Rumble's problem is, but he spares no expense to ride me at every opportunity. Honestly, he is entitled to his opinion; but judge for yourself how kind are his words.
Since it appears that I have worn out my welcome here, I'm withdrawing to my personal space where everybody loves me. You are welcome to PM me.