Roller 318 Lifters

I got a roller LA motor from mid-80s fifth avenue. It was running when it was pulled (seen video) I want to do a cheap refresh, similar to @RustyRatRod /6 build.

Just to get our 69 barracuda on the road. I started tearing into it, just to clean things up and re-gasket it, and the lifters will not come straight out of their bores, they all appear to only come up so far.

I haven't taken the camshaft out or the front cover, just the intake, rockers and push rods out. Attached is a picture do they come out the bottom of the bores?

I'm not familiar with roller motors but this seems weird.

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Once you get the cam out, take a brass drift or a small wooden hammer handle and knock um out from the bottom. It's just oil varnish that has um stuck. They'll come right out.