Stop in for a cup of coffee
Ha I had one this past weekend. 3 Hispanic persons come to my door at 10:30pm. Now keep in mind I live 8 miles from the closest small town. Cell phone is sketchy and WiFi almost non existent. By the time the dog barked they were looking in my door. They were looking for a bed and breakfast and their GPS stopped working it was cold and they wanted to come in. One was a young female and she was shivering. I backed up and picked up my pistol and left them inside the door. But they kept moving forward. Wanted my WiFi and I said I don't have any. But I was able to determine who they were looking for and told them to get in their car and they could follow me. Took them down the road and showed them where to turn in. I am now going to go to my neighbor and tell them to put directions on their ad because the address doesn't work on the GPS.