904 Governor Replacement

Disconnect the kickdown linkage. Check to see if the carburetor is opening all the way with the accelerator floored. Once that is confirmed, use your hand to push the throttle all the way open (helps to remove the return spring). Push the kickdown linkage all the way back. Then see if the kickdown linkage hooks up with the rear of its slot against the carb linkage. If not, adjust it until it does. Once it does, you now have full throttle travel and full kickdown travel.

This is not the procedure in the shop manual, but it works just as well if you don't have a 3/8 inch drill bit handy. Also works for any kind of kickdown linkage, and they do vary.
Yup this is what I meant that I adjusted/set it up top by the carb. The part I didn’t adjust is down at the trans and yup my ratio is probably off since I fabricated my own kick down rod at the carb (the rest is stock). But as AJ is saying there is enough change in my rear gears and tires that the governor needs to be tuned as the KD won’t cover that much range.