Hyd Roller vs Hyd Flat tappet on SM heads

Just an observation, your "roller" is almost .6 in dia, is it supposed to be .3? That will change things a bit.

Even if it’s off a bit, your .080 wide sweep is about 100% wider than it should be.

That’s a ton. I hope you read (or have already read) the tech articles on the B3 website I linked above.

Since the mid 1980’s it’s been a fight to get Chrysler guys to stop living with horrible geometry.

Back then, the only fix was to mill the stands and use blocks like W series heads.

Mike has made it easy and affordable to fix these issues.

There is no excuse for guys (not you specifically but people in general) to not fix this.

There is even less for guys who refuse to understand geometry and to post incorrect **** and then defend it to the death.