Don't get it right, just get it running. 85 318 roller

Looking Good
Like the 318 Roller Engines.

That would be the good 9.2:1 cr pistons with the good 645 rods. 230 hp engine.

First thing you can do is polish up the bearing insert wear surfaces with a new clean dry Viva Paper Towel, that will help clean them up.

Can put the pistons and rings in a coffee can 1/2 full of seafoam to help loosen up carbon around the rings and get them to move freely. Especially the lower oil rings.

If you are going to wash it out have to be careful not to get any grit into any oil gallies. Diesel Fuel would be a good lube/solvent for the clean up. I would avoid water getting into all the internals.

Light bead hone of about 8 reciprocating strokes with diesel fuel as cutting solvent, to break the glazing and give a good cross hatch pattern.

Your existing piston rings will re-seat to the cylinder walls giving you good compression and any oil buring issues go bye, bye.

New oil pump if you want to spend the $70.00 bucks.. or not.

Did one like that with a fresh valve job and seals on the stock 302 closed chamber heads. Came out real good, great oil pressure, no oil buring.

Good Luck


Cleaned up the cylinder walls, stock pistons and rings.


Checked one rod bearing and one main bearing, all good > put it right back together with a new oil pump and reinstalled the pan.


Fresh valve job with new valves and guide seals, port matched/gasket matched the head intake ports to the stock Mid Rise TBI ('89) intake manifold and added a 4 bbl carb retaining the stock roller cam. Performed excellent and all around ran really nice, nice idle too.

Those are my favorite mopar engines, the 318 Roller Engines.

