Shipping from Dr. Diff in USA?

Dr.Diff is golden .
If you're close to the border, or not, check the location of the closest Kinek package handling.
You can have pkgs sent to them just across border in US, have a buncha pkgs or 1, pay a small fee for each pkg, then bring it back across the border duty free if your outta the country 72 hrs.
$800 each, my wife and I bring up $1600 duty free.
You do your own brokerage right at the border if you're over.
Customs don't generally do paperwork on under a $100, so free.
And cuz this all is for old cars - no duty. - just pay sales tax, that's it.
The wife and I usually make a 3 day weekend at a US resort, the money we save pays the resort, win, win. and the wife loves it, so another win !