Going to Build 470 Street/Strip Engine for 71 Demon

Oh sorry. Looks like they’ve added pistons to their catalog.
I thought you were looking at the 440 piston at 1.35ch and 4.375 bore.

They even have a 1.32 piston for 383 bores now. Pretty nice if 8.1cc dish works for people.
Yeah, i accidentally found those by looking 1.32 CH 4.375 Bore Pistons from Summit. Atleast those seem quite nice pistons for price.
I used a 300 cf bottle of argon and 300 feet of rod. I only did it that way because I can't afford $1200 for an intake. When I go to a bigger tunnel ram I will build one.
Wow thats alot! Here 300cf argon bottle fill alone cost about 500$.