Goodbye Torqstorm, hello Spoolius Ceasar

Sounds wicked good! Make sure you're out of ASE (Afterstart enrichment) before you tweak the VE Tables. Looks like you probably are because I see CLT is around 170. Idle was a challenge for me and off-idle/accelerator enrichment is my Kryptonite. I still have a flat spot coming off idle with slight acceleration. I just live with it.
Yup. My problems were mainly timing. And ignition issues. Which I finally got sorted out and reading properly.
I data logged my trip around the neighborhood and found my accel enrichment dumping to 10.0afr when throttle was applied. I adjusted the table when I got back to my house, in park it seemed better but I’ll know more when I have a chance to drive around some more.

I am still fighting idle, trying to get it stable. So far open loop is working well. I was dabbling with closed loop since it pulls the motor down about 150-200rpm when the cooling fan kicks on. But I’ll play with that later on.