Larry Atherton has passed away.


John, I’m sorry for your loss. I am a collector of SA books but also, through you, I am familiar with Larry Atherton. I think it was you who told me about him. I had already been collecting the SA books and after you told me about Larry I researched his history. What a legend. This man is in the upper gallery with all of our Mopar heroes and legends. To have touched so many through books that help portray sound methods and techniques, well, we all owe Larry a debt of gratitude.
I consider myself to have a limited understanding of the science and math behind engine performance theory. After becoming more knowledgeable through SA’s books I have been able to, at least, speak with and understand what my machinist and engine builder friends are telling me. Larry and other authors from SA books certainly have been crucial to my understanding.
The man responsible for giving soooo many novices AND professionals understanding and knowledge will be missed.
We were all blessed when God made Larry. We should not be so selfish, with human understanding, as to wish he didn’t pass on. There is a new resident of heaven! I will celebrate with thankfulness and honor his life. Always remember Larry Atherton.
I truly appreciate your feedback. I am hoping that our paths perhaps cross again

God is so very Good!
All the Time.