Sleeving 340 for a Stroker kit

Post #16 "You don’t leave the sleeve proud on a block that take a straight sleeve. Ever." Your words not mine . Now all of a sudden its accept aluminum blocks. You didn't know and that's a fact. You got caught . You must have looked it up.

You know I wasn't referring to his 340 being aluminum. You were just being disrespectful about it. Like your the MAN

I was only forwarding some info some may not have known. I didn't know, That is why I asked Steve when I saw the block decked with no sleeves . Not even you knew going by your initial response. "EVER",

Listen ,
If You don't like my posts. Then why don't you just Troll on. Why worry about what others say if it doesn't concern you. For Gods sake you can't even spell protrude.
