Early 5.7 Injector Info
Now I'm second guessing myself again. The flow and latency values don't list a pressure, so I'm not sure what they were actually tested at. I looked at a lot of injector horsepower calculators as well and stuff wasn't quite adding up. The injectors are listed as 26 lb/hr without a pressure, but using that number in various calculators some will tell me a 350 hp cap and others say 400. Seeing as they were also used in the 4.7, I'm kind of wondering if they are rated for 26 lb/hr at 43.5 psi and Dodge just pumped the pressure to 60 on the 5.7 to get enough out of them to cover the power needs. Does anyone know what pressure the 4.7 fuel system ran at? I looked at my tune and I'm showing 30 lb/hr in my settings, which I think I may have gotten from taking 26 lb/hr injectors at 43.5 psi and running them at 60, but it would be nice to know that for sure. I saw that HP Tuners has a stock file repository and was hoping I could pull some info from one of those, but you can only access it if you have a device registered to your account, so I'm out of luck there.