Fine Tuning a 360 Magnum with a Brawler "Double Pumper"

What people don't understand is ignition strength affects the burn. I have seen half a volt (0.5v) drop in alternator output change the spark plug from looking good to flat out looking rich and read richer in AFR (innovate 02's) but in actual fact the AFR didn't change.

Before you even approach tuning the carb sort out the alternator and make sure you are getting enough power to your ignition box.

Aim to get about 14.4v output from your alternator at idle.
I’ll check voltage again in a minute, I’m going to go pull a plug and take a peak. I really only get alternator issues at idle, once I’m driving it’s fine. I notice the headlights and dash dim and the voltage gauge drops down but when I’m moving it’s where it normally is.