2 barrel , 4 barrel, whose got the answer?

My only rebuttal to the prior comment is in reference to the mpg difference between a two barrel and four barrel. A performance oriented carburetor will definitely be set to run rich out of the box, but a standard four barrel for street use is calibrated for good mileage and overall performance.

I've yet to have a negative opinion with the use of a four barrel. In fact, I saw an increase of 4 mpg from a cam and four barrel swap in a car I messed with back in 2017. I used a 486cfm Rochester for that car. It gave a small boost in performance and a significant boost in mileage. I still drive that car today, though it's unfortunately a Chevrolet...

In all, I would probably do everything that junkyardhero just said to do if it were I who was in your case. A good two barrel will be happy. The only negative is that the Carter BBD tends to leak from the throttle shaft. You'll have to be picky about your carburetor choice if you use one of those.