New Kevko Pan with Crank Scraper

Their "scraper" is the narrow piece welded to the side of the pan. The larger piece with louvers is the windage tray.
The narrow piece looks like it could be a pretty good place to mount a proper scraper that is fit to the rotating assembly. I wouldn't expect a mass produced pan like this to have a proper fit on the scraper, especially with the tolerances a sheet metal shop is working to. If I recall correctly, you want the scraper to be as close as .040" or so to the rotating parts? Probably better than not having anything but I think I would go through the effort of making something to fit.

I'm not sure why the drain scallop features on the windage tray are punched towards the crank. I would have thought you'd want them to go the other way to help the oil get back into the pan.