2 barrel , 4 barrel, whose got the answer?

My 88 diplomat had the lean burn. I converted to HEI many years ago. I did use a earlier carb with the ported vac connection, and an early single pickup vacuum distributor. The 4 pin module, and an "E" coil. The ballast resister is still in its stock location but bypassed with a short jumper lead with male spade connecters. The module and coil get the +12 from the original factory coil wire. Never had a problem with the system and picked up several MPG over the lean burn. My 64 Valant streetcar is the same, as is my 66 Valiant race car, except on the race car I run a "locked" distributer set at 20* advance (nitrous).
PS: On my street 64 Valiant, I do run manifold vacuum (as a "crutch"). I have too much advance in the distributer, and it will ping if I have the initial timing set where the engine will idle. So by using manifold vacuum I have vacuum at idle and can set the distributer initial timing al lot less. That way I can set the dist for less total advance, but the vacuum at idle gives me a good idle. I really need to recurve the distributer but haven't had the time.