Motor won’t stay running

I’m not gonna call this an update, but this is my thoughts as of now. I haven’t had a chance to get back to the motor because of the holidays but hopefully will next couple days.

When I put the engine together and I put the intake on, it was a brand new intake along with a new intake” pan “ I put it on dry as in no gaskets or silicone around the ports on either side of the tin. I’ve been doing some reading and taking the recommendations from here about it being a fuel/vacuum leak problem so I think I’m gonna pull the intake off and run a bead silicone around each port on both sides of the pan. Hopefully that’ll make the engine happy. I did not silicone it or use the gaskets because the gasket didn’t come with the pan. I haven’t worked on a big block in many many years but years ago I don’t remember ever using gaskets or sealant around the ports just the front and rear bars go . Anybody wanna chime in and share their thoughts on my thinking. Sorry for the long rant.

For the record, I am planning on using Permit tax ultra copper.