Racer Brown - 270/693 274/683 108 LSA 4000-7500
Crower - 258/685 268/702 105 LSA 4000-7500
Bullet - 271/680 276/670 108 LSA 4000-7500
Not recommended but the following are available too:
Comp Cam - 269/654 276/655 106 LSA 4500-7500
Comp Cam - 275/658 284/661 108 LSA 4800-7500
Howards - 273/680 279/640 108 LSA 4200-8000
Current Cam:
Comp Cam Cston - 254/660 268/660 108 LSA Installed 4 degrees advanced.
So darn confusing! Anyone running one of these?