Stop in for a cup of coffee

I got a pleasant Sirrius XM surprise yesterday. A disc jockey I really enjoyed listening to in San Diego while I worked at trying to keep the Tijuana River from flooding a great deal of San Diego County along the border is now on XM. Really good at Classic Rock he is. "60s Gold Channel" Shotgun Tom Kelly.
Not sure if she is still on but Dusty Streets drove me away from Sirius. I was an early signup back when there was no DJs at all. Then, my opinion it devolved into FM radio. They claimed no commercials but the fine print was, they did not consider self promotional bits as commercials. The value was not there for me once they started all the talking. I figured I paid to hear music with out all the talking! I dropped it after being a long time subscriber. I listen to music nonstop all day, it is always on in the background so I don’t hear the ringing in my ears. Still rocking my old Apple I pod!