Do used cams have value like lifters?
I sent a /6 cam to Oregon cams about 3 years ago and for just the cam headed out I spent $40-some to ship it there and about the same to get it back, though the return trip also included the oversized valves and a new set of solid lifters but at the end of the day I spent double JUST TO SHIP and it took twice as long as I expected it to
Oregon cams themselves had a pretty fast turn a round, they didn't have it in their hands very long, about 3 days as I remember but a month from the time it left me til I had it back.
By the time all was said and done I spent damneer the same for shipping as Ken charged me for the regrind, plus to weld up the fuel pump lobe/ and reshape that. Shipping sucks these days. Costs too much and watch your parts zigzag the country past you via tracking by the time it actually gets to you ..