How about pics of car you got your first drivers license in.

I went through the school in '96 for mine, ended using some 80's Chrysler K car. My instructor was one of the last people in our county to have polio, had a smaller arm because of it.

A few months after I got my license my dad finally got our project car, '71 Barracuda, registered and drove this...


Until about 4 hours later turned it into this:


Too excited to notice a flat tire and hit the soft shoulder of a curve. Ended up over-correcting and rolled it over a tree at 65mph.

Next car was a '78 Aspen wagon we picked up for $100. Someone put a "rebuilt" 360 in it. It was a surprisingly fun car, and I could fit all my buddies in it. That lasted for about 6 months before the engine seized up on me one day. I pulled over and checked to see how much oil was in it, as I had done an oil change about a month before and never noticed any smoke or anything. The dipstick showed about two quarts high. Something fell in the pan and dad didn't want to deal with it. Sold the car to the scrap yard for $200.

After that I needed a car, and our neighbor was selling a '73 Nova for $800. V8, 3 on the tree. We never did figure out what the was by the codes on the block. Picked it up and that was my car for the rest of high school. Got into way too much trouble with that car.