Shortest oil filter for 92 360 Magnum

I was looking at the Summit link you provided and noticed 6 of the 24 filters listed have no "Filter Bypass Relief Valves". Does this mean they are all 100% no bypass, and always filter all the oil all the time?

I always thought Jomar had the only filter that did that....

Looks like you just used the Summit website to sort by “no relief valve”.

First there’s only 5, because one of those is a multi-pack option for the same filter. The professional products filter claims “no unfiltered oil reaches the engine”. The Motorcraft filter says it doesn’t have a bypass in the specs, but says it does in the description. The other two manufacturers say nothing at all about a bypass other than the spec sheet used to sort the website results, the description mentions nothing about it.

So honestly I wouldn’t assume anything just based on that, the Professional Products one is the only one that claims anything different, and it’s not available anyway.