Which size drums on 69 Dart? And some other brake questions.

adjusters - no, but the springs have been under tension for 14 years and fatigue over time. I would particularly replace the front hoses, I presume that you are using old style brake fluid. Hoses can look fine and delaminate inside the hose and cause all sorts of grief. If you are going to replace the front wheel cylinders, you are going to have to take them loose anyway, so I'd replace them.

Thanks for the suggestions. Yes, I'm using Dot 3 fluid. Looking again at the maintenance records, it looks like the front hoses were replaced in 2011 (4000 miles ago). You think I should replace those based on time alone? The car is in a very mild environment and always garaged. The rear hose I don't know when that was replaced. For whatever reason the mechanic in 2011 did not think it needed to be replaced then (he specialized in pre-1975 cars). My mother does have the maintence records back to 1969, so I guess I could go through them.

Unless the drums are grooved, warped, or worn funny, I'd just reuse them the way they are. No point intaking metal off them if it isn't needed. The rear will just have one hose, from the center of the body to the top of the rear axle housing. I'd replace that if it's original. The hard lines are anyone's guess at this point. If they aren't nasty/rusty looking, and fluid passes through them ok, I'd reuse them as long as the flare nuts are still in good shape. If you replace them, I'd get regular steel lines unless you're in a bad rust area, then I would probably go stainless. If you can find any NOS American made cylinders, I'd go that way. First, I would hone out the originals to see if just a kit would do the trick.

Thanks for the thoughts. I'll look around for NOS cylinders.