Finally get to pretend I am one of the cool kids - Holley kit swap
I believe Dodge offsets engines left and right from the rear end as well, which gives you the necessary difference to keep the u-joint bearings spinning and the needles happy. That's often one of the main things to look for regarding driveline angle. I used to deal with it a fair amount on industrial trucks. That was a little more important because of the torque you could put through them. Generally speaking I'd probably still try to keep fairly shallow angles as even though it might be "okay" if you had something like 5 degrees on either side, I think it's still going to stress them more than they need to be.
I think my setup is probably somewhere around that 1.5-3 deg number, but it's been a long time since I looked. A lot of it just came down to clearances like you're seeing. My headers are super close to my steering box and stuff like that, but they still clear. I do have some rear end noise, but I don't think it's really driveline related (anymore at least, maybe when I had my first botched angle install). It's odd though because it only really makes noise in 5th gear around 55-60 mph. Put it in 4th and it mostly goes away. Put it in 6th and there is still some, but not as bad. So it seems more like an overdrive thing than a pure rear end gear setup problem, but it's not been worth it to me to tear it apart to mess with. I set the gears up as best I could myself and they tend to say once they have worn in you're kind of stuck with it regardless.