New Lower Steering Column Bearing Kit (in development)

Interesting, must be the fibers that give it that rough finish. I have a MicroCenter house branded (PowerSpec) FlashForge clone I've had for years now that is kind of turning into a similar thing. So far it's just a stepper driver update to quiet them down and moving to a different control system (Klipper/Moonraker setup) so I could get native wi-fi access instead of constantly moving files back and forth with an SD card. I've been thinking about trying some of the more "engineering" materials and building and enclosure for it, but the somewhat ancient hotend I have on it is my main limiter on printing. It'll go hot enough I think, but the flowrate isn't great and I'm impatient, lol.
Also, there is a hard speed limit with stuff like this... I tried for days to get it to print faster, but it was just not working well for strength. Any time you print really fast, the layer adhesion plummets. I really wanted an x1 Carbon, but then I saw a test somewhere, showing that high speed prints aren't as strong. I'm printing this stuff at around 50mm/s, at a .12mm layer height, and the dimensional accuracy speaks for itself.