Voltage regulator smoking?

I’m not sure if my bulkhead connector is bypassed I will take a closer look
The FSM will show you a drawing of the bulkhead connector and have a key for which wire goes in which cavity.

You can also begin at the starter relay. The stud forms a junction for three wires. One from the battery, one to the the bulkhead connector (includes the fusible link) and one to the horn relay. See if there is one to the the bulkhead, and does it have a fusible link. Oriignal fusible link is blue and has a tag hanging from it. Replacements may or may not have the flag.

Here's two fusible links (reproductions).

Each have one end that goes into the bulkhead connector.
The other end of the top link goes over a stud. This was used on models where the starter relay was close to the bulkhead connector.